Program Details

Physical Therapist Assistant
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Physical therapist assistants assist the physical therapist in the provision of physical therapy, perform physical therapy interventions and related tasks, carry out operational functions, make modifications within the scope of the established plan of care, and perform documentation and assessments. The state of Wisconsin requires a license to practice as a physical therapist assistant. As a graduate of this associate degree program, you are eligible to take the National Physical Therapist Examination for Physical Therapist Assistants through the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. Show More

This program is offered

Program often is wait listed so students should apply as soon as possible.

100% refund, if application for refund is made by the student prior to the first scheduled meeting of the course and the student does not add another course. 80% refund for a course is made before or at the time 10% of the course's total hours of instruction have been completed. 60% refund for a course is made after 10% but before more than 20% of the course's potential hours of instruction have been completed. No refund if application is made after 20% of the course's total hours.




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